
Command documentation can be found, at any time, by using the /help with:<category> command. For example, use /help with:/community servers to show the documentation for the /community servers command.

Community Commands

/community admin change_mode for:<community>
Changes me between “player” and “server” modes which affect how I function in your community
When I am in “player mode”, I chill with you and your friends on your Discord server, waiting to execute a command on the servers you play on.
When I am in “server mode”, I become a liaison between your Exile server(s) and its players, allowing them to run my commands on it. You may configure how I respond to commands on your server from the server dashboard.
The ID, or alias, for the community that you want to run this command on
Community IDs are composed of a few characters that are configured by the server owner
You may find this by by using the /community id on the Discord server for that community
You may omit this argument if you have a default community set
/community admin change_mode for:esm

If “player mode” is enabled, this will cause me to swap to “server mode”
If “player mode” is disabled (in “server mode”), I will attempt to switch to “player mode”. If you have server still registered with me, you will need to delete them via my Dashboard first.

/community admin find_player whom:<target>
Displays all available information about a player via their Steam UID, Discord ID, or Mention
The user that you want to run this command on
This argument accepts any of the following:
A Discord mention, e.g. @discord_mention
A Discord ID, e.g. 123456789012345678
or a Steam 64 ID (Steam UID), e.g. 76561234567890123
/community admin find_player whom:@discord_mention

Using their mention, get all available information about this player

/community admin find_player whom:76561234567890123

Using their steam uid, get all available information about this player

/community admin find_player whom:137456789012345678

Using their Discord ID, get all available information about this player

/community admin reset_cooldown for:<target> command:<command> on:<server>
Resets cooldown(s)
Admins can preform any of the following:
- Resets a cooldown for a player.
- Reset all cooldowns for one server.
- Reset all cooldowns for every server in their community.
- Reset all cooldowns for a user on every server in their community.
- Reset all cooldowns for a user on one server in their community.
- Reset a single command cooldown for one server.
- Reset a single command cooldown for every server in their community.
- Reset a single command cooldown for a user on every server in their community.
- Or, reset a single command cooldown for a user on one server in their community.

Important: Due to the destructive nature of this command, the on: argument does not support autofill or aliases. Omitting this argument will result in the behavior described in the examples.

See examples for more details
The user that you want to run this command on
This argument accepts any of the following:
A Discord mention, e.g. @discord_mention
A Discord ID, e.g. 123456789012345678
or a Steam 64 ID (Steam UID), e.g. 76561234567890123
A slash command (e.g. /server reward with or without the /)
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/community admin reset_cooldown

Resets every command’s cooldowns for your community.

/community admin reset_cooldown for:@discord_mention

Resets every command’s cooldown for @discord_mention on your community.

/community admin reset_cooldown for:@discord_mention command:/server reward

Resets the /server reward command cooldown for @discord_mention on your community.

/community admin reset_cooldown for:@discord_mention command:/server reward on:esm_malden

Resets the /server reward command cooldown for @discord_mention on esm_malden only

/community admin reset_cooldown command:/server reward on:esm_malden

Resets the /server reward command cooldown for esm_malden only.

/community admin reset_cooldown command:server reward

Resets the /server reward command cooldown every server your community has registered.
Note: The “slash” in a slash command can be omitted

/community id
Displays the current Community’s community ID for ESM
/community id

Returns the community’s ID

/community servers for:<community>
Displays all registered servers for a given community ID, regardless if they are online or not
The ID, or alias, for the community that you want to run this command on
Community IDs are composed of a few characters that are configured by the server owner
You may find this by by using the /community id on the Discord server for that community
You may omit this argument if you have a default community set
/community servers for:esm

Returns all registered servers for esm.

General Commands

/help with:<category>
A helpful command. An unhelpful description
The categories can be found by just using /help

Displays information about getting started with Exile Server Manager

/help with:player commands

Displays all player commands

/help with:admin commands

Displays all admin commands

/help with:commands

Displays all commands

/help with:/territory set_id

Displays detailed information about the /territory set_id command

Provides information on how to link a Steam account with me

Provides information on how to link a Steam account

My Commands

/my aliases
Lists your custom aliases
/my aliases

Returns a list of your custom aliases

/my preferences for:<server> action:<action> type:<type>
View, allow, or deny notifications on a per server basis.
All notifications are enabled by default, this command allows for fine grained tuning.
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
Controls if the notification will be sent to you. Valid options are Allow and Deny
The notification type. See /help with:/my preferences for more information.
Valid options are:
- All
- Custom
- Base raid
- Flag stolen
- Flag restored
- Flag steal started
- Protection money due
- Protection money paid
- Grind started
- Hack started
- Charge plant started
- Marxet item sold
/my preferences for:esm_malden

Displays your notification preferences for esm_malden

/my preferences for:esm_malden action:Allow

Allows esm_malden to send you all notification types

/my preferences for:esm_altis action:Deny type:Protection money paid

Blocks esm_altis from sending you the Protection money paid XM8 notification

/my requests
Lists your pending command requests
/my requests

Returns a list of your pending requests

/my steam_uid
Displays the registered Steam UID for your account
/my steam_uid

Displays the registered Steam UID for your account

Pictures Commands

/pictures birb
Who doesn’t like some high quality birbs?
/pictures birb

Returns a random bird image

/pictures doggo
Humanity’s best friend
/pictures doggo

Returns a random dog image

/pictures meow
It’s so fluffy I’m going to die!!!
/pictures meow

Returns a random cat image

/pictures snek
Nope rope, danger noodle, whatever you want to call them. One thing for sure is that they are cute.
/pictures snek

Returns a random snake image

Request Commands

/request accept uuid:<uuid>
Accepts a request based off its UUID
The request’s UUID that provided in the original request
/request accept uuid:c619

Accepts request c619 from your pending requests

/request decline uuid:<uuid>
Declines a request based off its UUID
The request’s UUID that provided in the original request
/request decline uuid:e09e

Declines request e09e from your pending requests

Server Commands

/server admin broadcast message:<message> to:<broadcast_to>
Sends the provided message to all servers or the provided server ID in your community
Registered players on these servers will receive the message via Direct Message if they have custom notification allowed for the server.
The message to send or preview. Supports Discord Markdown and must be less than 2000 characters
Where the broadcast should go? It can be a server, “all”, or omit for a preview of the message
This can be either a valid server_id to send to just that server, all to send to all of your community’s servers, or preview or omit to just preview the message without sending it
/server admin broadcast message:This is an emergency announcement to:esm_malden

Broadcasts This is an emergency announcement to every registered player on esm_malden.

/server admin broadcast message:Admin event going on right meow. More information on our Discord! to:all

Broadcasts Admin event going on right meow. More information on our Discord! to registered player on every server for this community.

/server admin broadcast message:Testing

Omitting to will provide a preview of the message without sending it.

/server admin execute_code execute:<code_to_execute> on:<server> target:<target>
Executes the given codes on a server (returning any results), or a target.
The SQF code to execute.
The given code can be all one line or span multi-lines.
Note: This code needs to be valid or the server will not return a response.
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
The user that you want to run this command on
This argument accepts any of the following:
A Discord mention, e.g. @discord_mention
A Discord ID, e.g. 123456789012345678
or a Steam 64 ID (Steam UID), e.g. 76561234567890123
/server admin execute_code execute:isServer on:esm_malden

Executes isServer on esm_malden and returns true back.

/server admin execute_code execute:player setDamage 1 on:esm_tanoa target:@discord_mention

Executes player setDamage 1 on @discord_mention’s player in game. If the player is not in game, an error will be returned.

/server admin find on:<server> whom:<target> territory:<territory>
Displays information about the provided player or territory
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
The user that you want to run this command on
This argument accepts any of the following:
A Discord mention, e.g. @discord_mention
A Discord ID, e.g. 123456789012345678
or a Steam 64 ID (Steam UID), e.g. 76561234567890123
The ID for the territory that you want to run this command on
Territory IDs are often 3-6 characters long, or a custom one set using the /territory set_id command.
Want to see all of your territories? Try using the /server my territories command
/server admin find on:esm_malden whom:@discord_mention

Using their mention, return their player stats on esm_malden

/server admin find on:esm_tanoa whom:76561234567890123

Using their steam uid, return their player stats on esm_tanoa

/server admin find on:esm_altis whom:137456789012345678

Using their Discord ID, return their player stats on esm_altis

/server admin find on:esm_namalsk territory:jquee

Return the territory information for jquee

/server admin modify_player whom:<target> action:<action> on:<server> amount:<amount>
Modifies a player on a server, regardless of them being online or not.
The user that you want to run this command on
This argument accepts any of the following:
A Discord mention, e.g. @discord_mention
A Discord ID, e.g. 123456789012345678
or a Steam 64 ID (Steam UID), e.g. 76561234567890123
What action do you want to take?
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
The amount to adjust. This is optional for healing or killing a player
For actions Change player poptabs, Change player respect, and Change player locker:
- This argument is required and must be a positive or negative number
- Positive numbers will add the given amount of that type
- Negative numbers will remove the given amount of that type
For types Heal player and Kill player:
- This argument is ignored
/server admin modify_player whom:@discord_mention action:Change player poptabs on:esm_malden amount:1500

Gives @discord_mention’s player on esm_malden 1500 poptabs

/server admin modify_player whom:@discord_mention action:Change locker poptabs on:esm_altis amount:-50

Removes 50 poptabs from @discord_mention’s locker on esm_altis

/server admin modify_player whom:76561234567890123 action:Kill player on:esm_namalsk

RIP @discord_mention. Kills @discord_mention’s player on esm_namalsk

/server admin reset_player on:<server> whom:<target>
Deletes a single player or all players on a server in an attempt to fix the spawning glitch
This command is the admin equivalent to the /server stuck command
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
The user that you want to run this command on
This argument accepts any of the following:
A Discord mention, e.g. @discord_mention
A Discord ID, e.g. 123456789012345678
or a Steam 64 ID (Steam UID), e.g. 76561234567890123
/server admin reset_player on:esm_malden

Deletes all players on esm_malden

/server admin reset_player on:esm_malden whom:@discord_mention

Deletes @discord_mention’s player on esm_malden

/server admin search_logs for:<target> on:<server>
Searches the last 14 days worth of Trading, Territory, and Death logs
The user that you want to run this command on
This argument accepts any of the following:
A Discord mention, e.g. @discord_mention
A Discord ID, e.g. 123456789012345678
or a Steam 64 ID (Steam UID), e.g. 76561234567890123
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/server admin search_logs for:@some_player on:esm_malden

Parses the logs on esm_malden for @some_player’s Steam UID and returns any matched lines

/server admin search_logs for:Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Green on:esm_altis

Parses the logs on esm_altis for Exile_Chopper_Hummingbird_Green and returns any matched lines

/server details for:<server>
Displays connection, up time, next restart and other information about the provided server ID
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/server details for:esm_malden

Returns information about the server esm_malden

/server gamble amount:<amount> on:<server>
Feeling lucky? Gamble poptabs on a server for a chance to win
The amount of poptabs to gamble. Poptabs are withdrawn from your locker.
The following options can be provided instead of a number:
- all: Gambles all of your poptabs in your locker.
- half: Gambles half of your poptabs in your locker
- stats: Returns win/loss statistics for the provided server
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/server gamble amount:50 on:esm_malden

Gambles 50 poptabs from the locker on server esm_malden

/server gamble amount:half on:esm_altis

Gambles half of the poptabs in the locker on server esm_altis

/server gamble amount:all on:esm_tanoa

Gambles all of the poptabs in the locker on server esm_tanoa

/server gamble on:esm_namalsk

Displays gambling statistics for server esm_namalsk

/server my player on:<server>
Displays information (money, health, poptabs, territories, etc.) about your player on the server
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/server my player on:esm_malden

Returns my player information on esm_malden

/server my territories for:<server>
Displays all territories that you own or have joined for the provided server ID
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/server my territories for:esm_malden

Returns all owned or joined territories for server esm_malden

/server reward on:<server>
Requests a reward package to be deployed on the provided server
After running this command, you will be sent a confirmation message in your PMs with me. From here, you’ll confirm you are online and alive before I send deliver the rewards to you.
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/server reward on:esm_malden

Requests the default reward to be delivered to you on esm_malden.

/server stuck on:<server>
Deletes your player on the provided server in an attempt to fix the spawning glitch.
You will be required to confirm the request before any deletion takes place.
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/server stuck on:esm_malden

Deletes your player on esm_malden

/server uptime for:<server>
Displays how long the server has been online
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/server uptime

Displays how long the server has been online

/server uptime for:esm_malden

Displays how long esm_malden has been online

Territory Commands

/territory add_player whom:<target> to:<territory> on:<server>
Adds the target user as a builder in the provided territory
The user that you want to run this command on
This argument accepts any of the following:
A Discord mention, e.g. @discord_mention
A Discord ID, e.g. 123456789012345678
or a Steam 64 ID (Steam UID), e.g. 76561234567890123
The ID for the territory that you want to run this command on
Territory IDs are often 3-6 characters long, or a custom one set using the /territory set_id command.
Want to see all of your territories? Try using the /server my territories command
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/territory add_player whom:@discord_mention to:jqjoe on:esm_malden

Adds @discord_mention to jqjoe on esm_malden

/territory add_player whom:@your_username to:some_territory on:esm_malden

If you are a territory admin, you may replace @your_username with a tag of yourself to add yourself to this territory.

/territory admin list on:<server> order_by:<order_by>
Displays the ID, name, and owner information for every territory on the provided server
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
Controls how the territories are sorted before they are displayed
Valid options are: id, territory_name, owner_uid
/territory admin list on:esm_malden

Displays all territories for server esm_malden

/territory admin list on:esm_tanoa order_by:owner_name

Displays all territories for server esm_tanoa, but they are sorted the owner’s name

/territory admin restore territory:<territory> on:<server>
Restores a territory if marked for deletion for missing a territory payment
This will not restore a territory if it has been deleted from the database
The ID for the territory that you want to run this command on
Territory IDs are often 3-6 characters long, or a custom one set using the /territory set_id command.
Want to see all of your territories? Try using the /server my territories command
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/territory admin restore territory:jquee on:esm_malden

Restores territory jquee on esm_malden

/territory demote_player whom:<target> in:<territory> on:<server>
Demotes a player from moderator to builder in a territory.
This command is only available for the territory owner
The user that you want to run this command on
This argument accepts any of the following:
A Discord mention, e.g. @discord_mention
A Discord ID, e.g. 123456789012345678
or a Steam 64 ID (Steam UID), e.g. 76561234567890123
The ID for the territory that you want to run this command on
Territory IDs are often 3-6 characters long, or a custom one set using the /territory set_id command.
Want to see all of your territories? Try using the /server my territories command
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/territory demote_player whom:@discord_mention in:awesome on:esm_malden

Demote @discord_mention to builder in territory awesome on esm_malden

/territory demote_player whom:76561234567890123 in:fort_a on:esm_malden

Demote 76561234567890123 to builder in territory fort_a on esm_malden

/territory pay territory:<territory> on:<server>
Pays the territory protection using poptabs from your locker
Some servers may implement a tax for paying using ESM. You can see how much your territory’s protection cost is by using /server my territories
The ID for the territory that you want to run this command on
Territory IDs are often 3-6 characters long, or a custom one set using the /territory set_id command.
Want to see all of your territories? Try using the /server my territories command
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/territory pay territory:qqoej on:esm_malden

Pay the territory protection for qqoej on server esm_malden

/territory pay territory:fort_kickass on:esm_malden

Pay the territory protection for custom territory ID fort_kickass on server esm_malden

/territory promote_player whom:<target> in:<territory> on:<server>
Promotes a player to moderator in a territory.
This command is only available for the territory owner. The player must be a member of the territory first before they can be promoted, which can be done by using /territory add_player
The user that you want to run this command on
This argument accepts any of the following:
A Discord mention, e.g. @discord_mention
A Discord ID, e.g. 123456789012345678
or a Steam 64 ID (Steam UID), e.g. 76561234567890123
The ID for the territory that you want to run this command on
Territory IDs are often 3-6 characters long, or a custom one set using the /territory set_id command.
Want to see all of your territories? Try using the /server my territories command
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/territory promote_player whom:@discord_mention in:awesome on:esm_malden

Promotes @discord_mention to moderator in territory awesome on esm_malden

/territory promote_player whom:76561234567890123 in:fort_a on:esm_malden

Promotes 76561234567890123 to moderator in territory fort_a on esm_malden

/territory remove_player whom:<target> from:<territory> on:<server>
Removes a player from a territory
This command is only available for the territory owner or moderator
The user that you want to run this command on
This argument accepts any of the following:
A Discord mention, e.g. @discord_mention
A Discord ID, e.g. 123456789012345678
or a Steam 64 ID (Steam UID), e.g. 76561234567890123
The ID for the territory that you want to run this command on
Territory IDs are often 3-6 characters long, or a custom one set using the /territory set_id command.
Want to see all of your territories? Try using the /server my territories command
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/territory remove_player whom:@discord_mention from:awesome on:esm_malden

Removes @discord_mention from territory awesome on esm_malden

/territory remove_player whom:76561234567890123 from:fort_a on:esm_malden

Removes 76561234567890123 from territory fort_a on esm_malden

/territory set_id from:<territory> to:<territory> on:<server>
Changes your territory ID to the provided ID
This command is only available for the territory owner.
Once set, this custom territory ID can be used whenever a command requires a territory ID argument.
The ID for the territory that you want to run this command on
Territory IDs are often 3-6 characters long, or a custom one set using the /territory set_id command.
Want to see all of your territories? Try using the /server my territories command
The ID for the territory that you want to run this command on
Territory IDs are often 3-6 characters long, or a custom one set using the /territory set_id command.
Want to see all of your territories? Try using the /server my territories command
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/territory set_id from:jqjoe to:no_u on:esm_malden

Sets territory jqjoe to be no_u

/territory set_id from:fort_awesome to:tent_sadness on:esm_altis

Changes territory fort_awesome to be tent_sadness

/territory upgrade territory:<territory> on:<server>
Upgrades a territory to the next level using poptabs from your locker.
This command is only available for the territory owner or moderators
To see costs, please use the /server my territories command
The ID for the territory that you want to run this command on
Territory IDs are often 3-6 characters long, or a custom one set using the /territory set_id command.
Want to see all of your territories? Try using the /server my territories command
The ID, or alias, for the server that you want to run this command on
Server IDs are composed of a community ID and a custom name, separated by an underscore
For example: esm_malden, esm_tanoa, and esm_some_awesome_server
You may omit this argument if you have a default server set
/territory upgrade territory:awesome on:esm_malden

Upgrades territory awesome to the next level on esm_malden